Rockport Recreation Hall - nonprofit charity
The little school house in the heart of Rockport, Ontario
The little school house in the heart of Rockport, Ontario
Easter Crafts
Egg on a Spoon Race
Easter Parade
Easter Egg Hunt
Everyone welcome!
Do you have a family event, wedding, birthday party or other special occasion that you need a indoor or outdoor venue for? Fill out the contact form with as much information to get a quote and see if we have availability.
For bookings at the hall, ALL correspondence needs to go through the form on our website, rockportrechall.com, ALL REQUESTS!!!
We will contact you to assist you with any bookings and confirm availability through email!
Thanks for your understanding!
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Alternatively, you can etransfer to The Rockport Recreation Hall , using the email address: rockportrechall@gmail.com , no answer is needed due to auto-deposit. In the memo portion, tell us about any special donation and your full name!