Join us for a fun filled week and weekend at the 44th annual Rockport WInter Carnival at the Rockport recreation HAll and the Rockport Barn.
Schedule ba be viewed below or downlaodable!
Button purchase to particpate will be available soon throughout the 1000 Islands!!
Buttons for this year’s Rockport Winter Carnival are available for purchase at:
Rockport Lighthouse
Lansdowne Rapid Valley Restaurant
Lansdowne Freshmart
Purrell’s Freshmart in Mallorytown
Gananoque Pharmasave
Buttons are $5 and cover you for entrance into all events!
Buttons are now available at the following locations:
Rapid Valley Restaurant (Lansdowne)
Lansdowne Freshmart
Guardian Drug Store (Gananoque)
Mallorytown Freshmart
Lighthouse Convenience Store (Rockport)
Arbru Solar Brewaery (Malloytown)
The Rockport Recreation Hall and the Rockport Barn presents...
The Rockport Winter Carnival - Feb 5-9, 2025.
See brouchure for full list of events!
All proceeds go to the Rockport Recreation Hall!